by Aromal Rajagopal | Feb 24, 2013 | Technical |
If you’re just starting out in your business, sometimes the easiest choice is to make use of free services. Email has become the primary tool for communication in work and personal life. Many of us use free email services to set up email accounts, however, there are...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Feb 24, 2013 | Technical |
It’s important to understand the differences between choosing a web hosting provider and domain name registrar. They can be one in the same or two entirely different companies. In the physical world when you want to go to a specific place you need to know the...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Feb 24, 2013 | Technical |
One of the questions that frequently pops up with regard to cloud hosting is regarding the safety of cloud hosting. Many companies today prefer to make use of cloud hosting mainly because of the cost advantage and secondly cloud hosting is known for its performance...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Feb 24, 2013 | Technical |
The web hosting industry is a constantly morphing entity and in order to survive as well as maintain its profitability, the companies offering these services have to adapt accordingly. There are several latest trends in web hosting services. Most of the web hosting...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Feb 18, 2013 | Technical |
What is Outsourcing? Outsourcing is defined as the use of outside resources to perform activities traditionally handled by in-house staff. An organisation might want to provide support for their product but hiring professionals and training them can be very tedious...