The following steps are required to add custom NS entries in Plesk.
1. Register the child name servers with your registrar and point them to the specific IP address.
ns1.domainname —-> server shared ip
ns2.domainname—-> server shared ip
2. Unfortunately, plesk has a limitation in managing the client’s private name servers. So, after registering your private name servers with the registrar, follow these steps :
By default, plesk will create DNS entries for a domain with the server’s default name servers. So, you will have to edit the DNS settings of the main domain as well as the domains registered with your new private name servers to eliminate the default name server configuration from its DNS zone and add the new custom one.
1. Log in to the client control panel.
2. Click on the domain name in the domain list to correct the DNS settings with the newly registered one.
3. Click on “DNS Settings” icon.
4. Select the check box besides the lines,
5. Click to remove and click “OK” to confirm.
6. Now, select “Add Record”.
7. Select “NS” from the first drop down.
8. Paste (your custom name server name) in the third column leaving the second text field as such.
9. Click “OK”
10. Repeat the same procedure to add ns2.domainname.