What makes or breaks the deal for a hosting company is the web hosting technical support it offers, whether outsourced by it or offered in-house. In order to establish your hosting company as a trusted brand, it is important for you to achieve service excellence in terms of 24*7*365 highly responsive technical support. Now, you must be wondering how to avail such round the clock technical support for your web hosting services. The market is rife with providers that claim to offer 24*7 technical support that your hosting company can rely on. It’s true that each one of them must have their own service advantages (and disadvantages too, for that matter). However, since it is a success-critical decision for any hosting business to choose the right outsourcing partners for its technical support, in this post we intend to guide you on where and in which kind of an organization are you more likely to find 24*7 hosting technical support.
Domain expertise
Your outsourced support team’s domain expertise implies your brand’s technical edge to your end customers. So, when you consider an outsourced web hosting support provider for your hosting business, consider the technical qualification of the support staff and also whether they have the right kind of certifications for expert issue resolution.
Experience level
When you have experienced technical support on board, you can pass on the same experience to your hosting customers as well. This is the reason why while considering a hosting support provider, you should find out how much experience the company holds at offering these services as well as the staff of what experience level do they hire.
Query handling performance
It is good that the provider you are considering for your hosting technical support has demonstrated fast response times. But the same team that responds quite fast is not as fast at resolving the client queries, their responsiveness will be of no advantage to the customers. So, apart from fast response times, fast issue resolution also needs to be proven for the ideal outsourced web hosting support partner.
Exceptional soft skills
The technical expertise of the staff alone is not sufficient for the technical support partner to assure high quality support. Their excellent interpersonal and communication skills play a key role in establishing a positive brand image for your hosting company through an assertive, genuine and well-spoken technical support that is technically well-qualified as well.
Methods of communication
While the preferred methods of communication may differ for every client, an ideal hosting support provider would offer a mix of all – Email or ticket system, over the phone support and chat support as a solution to cater to every client’s needs.
Multi layered Support
Every hosting business is unique and so are its support needs too. So, there cannot be a single solution for technical hosting Support that can meet the support needs of every hosting business. So, with its multiple layers of support, a good support provider will always offer you the flexibility to get a customized solution to address to your specific technical support needs.
Proficient account management
Professional and good web hosting technical support providers are equally good with their account handling and management practices. Therefore, whenever you hire one of them, your hosting company will always have a clear point of contact, in case you have a query.
With 13+ years of industry experience and profound industry expertise backed by various certifications of its support staff in cPanel, CloudU, AWS and RHCE, InstaCarma is an eminent provider of managed IT services and hosting technical support where you can easily avail 24*7*365 uninterrupted services.