This write-up throws light on how we at InstaCarma , were able to help one of our biggest clients* cut costs through our immensely efficient support team.
When the client came to us , they already had a fairly large team. But they were unhappy with its functioning which was far from being productive. This was the result of an highly disjoint team which did not work in co-ordination. Their techs were working remotely from different geographical locations. There was a complete communication gap between the supervisors and the staff. This made things worse. On top of it, they did not have any processes to check, measure and ensure high quality and efficiency.
This is when they approached us and we put forward a fully managed solution for them in which we asked them to outsource an entire process to us. Though they were a little circumspect initially , we convinced them to opt for a completely risk free solution. We offered them a free trial period of 15 days during which they can see what exactly our service is like and make out the difference. They readily accepted the offer as they had nothing to loose!
At InstaCarma, YOU define quality and WE assure it !
We asked them to define what quality means to them in terms of service parameters, policy adherence, technical ,language and customer service skills. We then documented all this and used various Quality matrices to formulate a Quality
Index . This QI was promised to the client via an SLA ( Service Level Agreement) .Once we deployed the techs to the client, we constantly kept checking their work for adherence to these quality parameters. Our QA managers were coached on the client’s expectation. They in turn checked tickets and monitored the techs’ work to make sure that the Quality Index matched the client’s expectations.
The Quality Index is of utmost importance to us because it helps us measure quality , which is really important and something which was lacking in the client’s existing support structure.
InstaCarma believes that unless something can be measured, it cannot be controlled.
The client was extremely satisfied by the end of the trial period . Instead of the one process which was ticketing , they also asked us to handle their Live chat support as well. They signed a long term contract with us and we provided them an end to end managed solution relieving them of all management headaches. We also provided them with special facilities like Basecamp and video conferencing so that they can be in touch with the team and have direct control over them when required. We also assigned a dedicated account manager for them who was the first point of contact regarding any issue.
The co-ordination between the techs improved and the overall efficiency increased by leaps and bounds. This saved them lot of costs and relieved them of the management problems as well. They were able to invest that time and money in further business development. Its been three years since and they have grown with us throughout. A company which had a couple of dozen servers when they started of with us have hundreds now. Also, they were able to venture into wider areas like VPS.
* Name of the client cannot be revealed as per the NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement). References and testimonials are available.