by Aromal Rajagopal | Jun 23, 2010 | Management |
A small story with a big message : There was this giant ship whose engine failed. The ship’s owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure out how to fix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Nov 17, 2009 | Management |
Why Managed Support is better than Staffing ? InstaCarma prefers providing outsourced and fully managed support to its clients rather than pure staffing. There are several reasons for favoring a fully managed support solution. The two most important factors being...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Aug 20, 2009 | Management |
InstaCarma has been providing server management services to the web-hosting industry for 6 years now. Server management is the operation and maintenance of a server. For efficient management, a proper methodology should be in place and strictly adhered to. The...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Jun 10, 2009 | Management |
InstaCarma has been providing technical support to the web-hosting industry for over 6 years now. If you have ever been working in the support department (phone,email,chat etc) then more often than not , you might have come across an abusive customer at some point....
by Aromal Rajagopal | May 14, 2009 | Management |
We at InstaCarma provide LiveChat support to many of our web-hosting clients. There are certain things that needs to be taken care of while handling live support chat . One of the main advantages of LiveChat is that it adds that personal touch to the website which...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Mar 29, 2009 | Management, Popular Posts |
The Article Companies have to ensure that their trainees assimilate lessons fast and imbibe them deeply. A long training phase results in a lot of revenue loss, and an incomplete understanding of lessons will result in the trainee having to spend a lot of time...