Issue :
Following error shows up on the websites which run with mysql.
Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: write failed: No
space left on device (28)
in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php on line 42
Restarting MySQL fixes the issue temporarily.
Fix :
This usually occurs when /tmp runs out of space. You can check the space by using the following command:
root@server# df -h
Couple of tips to clear some space in /tmp :
1. Check and remove older session files.
root@server# rm -f /tmp/sess*
2. Get rid of semaphores.
root@server# ipcs -s | grep nobody | perl -e ‘while (
) { @a=split(/s+/); print `ipcrm sem $a[1]`}’