Instacarma launches its very own and exclusive Client Portal application for the dedicated and semi dedicated hosting support customers , an Air Application that lets them manage and monitor the tech support operations with ease from a single point that is integrated to InstaCarma’s Work and Process Tracking System called VisionCarma. With a rich and attractive UI and interesting statistics from the Support Team, this is another step from InstaCarma in their continued effort to provide world class services to their customers and to add robustness to their clients IT Infrastructure management with an Internet Application that gives valuable pointers to monitor their support operations.
Mr. Aromal Rajagopal, CEO of the company, stated that the beauty of the application is that it brings in a lot of transparency to its customers with live support information and statistics like the tech currently working in shift, how long he has been handling the current shift, the number of tickets handled so far, average response time maintained, monthly ticket trends and response time trends. On top of this, it also gives the clients access to their billing information that includes their invoice history , pending invoices, payment status etc. The application also facilitates getting in touch with the Management layer of the company via email or to directly chat with the tech in shift. This can be an extremely useful feature for the clients to have more accessibility and transparency when it comes to the service delivery provided by InstaCarma.
The Client Portal is an extremely handy, useful and efficient application for clients to access their offshore team members and will ensure that they are not only able to manage support operations with ease, but also control and contrive the work environment in the company which ultimately will lead to better productivity and accountability. Client Portal’s backend system VisionCarma is the backbone of InstaCarma’s operations and manages everything from Human Resources, Productivity , Performance, Quality Assurance and SLA Compliances and definitely adds a lot of value to this application.
InstaCarma’s customers are sure to benefit a lot from this Client Portal as it would provide them with an easy way to monitor the work process and communicate with their techs working remotely which is one of the biggest concerns for any company. This is another major step from InstaCarma towards improving Client experience and providing them with control and faster communication channel.