by Aromal Rajagopal | Mar 26, 2013 | Technical |
A Web Hosting control panel is the system used to manage your web hosting account such as website management, database management, domain management, email management etc. It also helps system admin configure the server properly in short time. With the high cost and...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Mar 14, 2013 | Technical |
Linus Torvalds created the Linux kernel and put it up as free for the world to use. This kick started a sequence of events which led many developers and programmers to contribute their own ideas and enhancements to the original kernel, which made Linux stronger, more...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Mar 13, 2013 | Articles and tutorials, Popular Posts |
The ability to track Email is increasingly becoming a mind boggling task. I believe email is fundamentally unproductive, as, you need to sift through too many documents and things get lost. So basically the time you waste to find a document can be utilized in doing...
by Aromal Rajagopal | Mar 12, 2013 | Company Updates, Management, Popular Posts |
Aimed at contributing to the economic growth and social development of the country, AIAF (All India Achievers Foundation) has been recognizing the sincere efforts of individuals as well as institutions and organizations to take India to newer heights with each passing...